Some Things To Consider When Your Teen Starts Driving

09.01.23 02:24 PM By Craig Pina

Just a couple days ago my family celebrated my younger daughter’s 16th birthday. Even in today’s Covid lockdown environment this is an exciting time for a kid, especially for a girl’s “Sweet 16”. I need to say that she is not at all disappointed that we can’t have a Sweet 16 party for her. She would much rather spend the entire day at the barn with the horses she loves so much! The ONE thing she IS very excited about is that she is now eligible to apply for her learner’s permit.
​Being my second daughter, my wife and I have been through the stress of one of your children learning to drive. We are not at all looking forward to the inevitable increase in our auto insurance rate. All of that aside, the most important thing is being sure she is as safe as possible, and develops good habits when she’s behind the wheel.
​We live in a city with some of the highest insurance rates in Massachusetts, the reasons for this can be seen every day when you see the horrible driving habits people have! Defensive driving is a must . . . being aware of your surroundings and other cars on the road is of utmost importance. With that being said, the major cause of teen accidents today is distracted driving.
​Below is a look at how teens drive these days. This information will give you and your teen a better understanding of the risks teen drivers face so that you can help guide them through this important life event, provide ways for them to save money and most importantly, prepare them for a conversation with about driving safety.
Some Teen Driving Stats that Might Surprise You

Before your teen hits the road, set clear rules and expectations of their behavior while behind the wheel – such as a no phone rule and passenger limit. Reviewing and agreeing to this Parent-Teen Contract with them is a great place to start.

Clearly, there are strict rules in Massachusetts around teen driving and hands-free operation of all devices. As new drivers, teens should learn to put their phone in driving mode to reduce distractions.
​As with everything else . . . Parents are the key to safer teen driving. Be sure to establish YOUR safe driving rules with your teen today!
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Craig Pina