Control Insurance Costs - Increase Your Deductibles and Save $$
Deductible reimbursement plans provided by AssurancePlus and R&R Insurance Advisors can help you save money by allowing you to increase deductibles on you home and personal auto insurance policies AND protect you against financial disruption having to pay the full deductibles.
All Vehicle Protection Plan - $159 per year
Home Protection Plan - $159 per year
Bundle and Save on BOTH plans - $299 per year
Scroll down for more information and complete details

All Vehicle Protection Plan
Pays up to $1000 per loss when claim is filed and paid with primary auto insurance carrier. In the event that the consumer suffers a loss on a motor vehicle they own & insure, this coverage will reimburse the consumer for an amount equal to the deductible limit shown on their Automobile Insurance Policy. Coverage is effective upon date of enrollment, and one to ten year terms are available.
- All Vehicle Deductible Reimbursement - Up to $1,000
- All Vehicle Repair Reimbursement
- Emergency Travel
- ID Theft Restoration Service
- WARRANTY Vault on-line storage & organizing service

Home Protection Plan PLUS
Pays up to $2500 per loss when claim is filed and paid with primary insurance carrier (Amount paid is equal to deductible or $2,500, whichever is less). In the event of a loss on their primary residence or personal effects, this coverage will reimburse the consumer for an amount equal to the deductible limit shown on their Home Insurance Policy.
- Home Deductible Reimbursement
- Home Glass Breakage
- Home Lockout
- Appliance/Electronic Repair Reimbursement