What Is Your Insurance Score, And Why Is It Important?

09.01.23 01:35 PM By Craig Pina

Protecting your insurance score can lead to lower rates

Insurance scores are used by insurance companies to help predict the likelihood that a policyholder will file a claim. These scores are based on a variety of factors, including an individual's credit history, insurance history, and personal characteristics. Understanding what goes into an insurance score can help individuals take steps to improve their score and potentially lower their insurance premiums.

There are several factors that go into an insurance score:

1.  Credit history: Credit history is often the most significant factor in an insurance score. A strong credit history may indicate responsibility and financial stability, which can lead to lower insurance premiums. On the other hand, a poor credit history may be seen as a risk factor and result in higher premiums.

2.  Insurance history: Insurance companies may also consider an individual's past insurance claims when determining their insurance score. A history of frequent or costly claims may indicate a higher risk of future claims, leading to higher premiums.

3. Personal characteristics: Insurance scores may also take into account personal characteristics such as age, gender, and marital status. For example, younger drivers are generally seen as higher risk and may have higher premiums as a result.

4.  Occupation and education: Some insurance companies may consider an individual's occupation and education level when determining their insurance score. For example, professionals with advanced degrees may be seen as lower risk and receive lower premiums.

While insurance scores can play a significant role in determining an individual's insurance premiums, they are just one factor among many that insurance companies consider. Other factors such as the type of vehicle being insured and the location of the policyholder can also impact premiums.

  • Insurance scores are not the same as credit scores: It's important to note that insurance scores are not the same as credit scores. While credit scores and insurance scores may be based on similar factors, they are used for different purposes. Credit scores are used to determine an individual's creditworthiness and their ability to borrow money, while insurance scores are used to predict the likelihood of a policyholder filing a claim.

  • Insurance scores can vary by state: Insurance scores and the factors that go into them can vary by state. Some states have laws that restrict the use of certain factors in insurance scoring, such as credit history or occupation. It's important for individuals to be aware of the specific factors that are used in their state when trying to improve their insurance score.

  • Insurance scores can be improved: While certain factors that go into an insurance score, such as age or gender, may be out of an individual's control, there are steps that can be taken to improve an insurance score. Paying bills on time, maintaining a good credit score, and avoiding unnecessary insurance claims can all help to improve an insurance score over time.

  • Comparison shopping can help save on premiums: As mentioned, insurance premiums can be affected by a variety of factors in addition to insurance scores. By comparison shopping and obtaining quotes from multiple insurance companies, individuals may be able to find a policy that fits their specific needs at a competitive rate.


By understanding what goes into an insurance score, individuals can take steps to improve their score and potentially lower their insurance premiums. This may include paying bills on time, maintaining a good credit score, and avoiding unnecessary insurance claims. Additionally, shopping around and comparing quotes from different insurance companies can help individuals find the best rate for their specific needs.

An independent agent like C. Pina Insurance Agency, Inc. can guide you through choosing between multiple companies. Rates can vary greatly depending upon what each company is looking for in their total book of business. Keeping up to date on these things are what make independent agencies like us provide superior service to captive agencies who only offer one company and direct writers. 

Let's Find The Best Rate For You!

Craig Pina